Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Immigration in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Immigration in the US - Essay Example Women choose to be immigrants, being taking the role autonomous workers who support their families in their native countries. Immigrant women work as housekeepers, baby sitters and nurses. Manufacturing sector also employs migrant women. Lack of an effective legal immigration framework, lack of policies, poor international protection mechanism and various other factors make women immigrants struggle in the processes. Global restructuring is not the only factor that influenced female immigrants and the related affairs. Women’s autonomy, their decision making power, gender roles, influence of family members and society are few factors that influence women immigration. Patriarchal control over household labor and various other traditions have undergone changes that influence women immigration. Cultural and material experiences of immigrants have enabled a transition from patriarchal to egalitarian relations in domestic and other activities. Women have been elevated their roles as they become the co-partners in heading the household. A change in division of labor that assigned some domestic responsibilities to men have brought a solace to some immigrants like Dominican immigrants. Immigrant experience has improved the gender relations for Dominican immigrants, females being the ultimate beneficiaries. However certain other groups like Cuban immigrants however put their females to labor market just to upgrade their socioeconomic status. The struggle over domestic authority has triggered disunion and divorce. Single women, loosing their husbands’ financial contributions, fail to retain the middle class standard of living and get degraded in their life. Marital disruption and female-headedness introduce innumerable disadvantages that add to the grievances of immigrant women. Women become deprived of the advantages brought by migration and employment. Dominican women are found to be reluctant to Dominican Republic as they hate the sexual division of labor and gender and class ideologies in the society. The conflict over return disturbs the glow of migration as a collective and unifying household project. Dominican immigrant men are found to be perplexed as they attempt to be first among the immigrant household and at the same time trying to keep the gender roles of the Dominican Republic. They struggle while promoting the patriarchy practiced in the home country and attempting to keep up the standards of their new land. Men choose to return to Dominican Republic while women preferring to continue in the United States. Women enjoy the freedom, financial independence and the new status being in the United States. Women being the earning member also attempt to dominate in the decision-making processes of domestic affairs and other matters. Women refuse to give up the new found power. The friction triggers divorce, and women dare to remain in the new land trusting the job they possess. Immigrant women are forced to accept low-paying job s also for they have to survive on their income alone. This leads to further degrading of their jobs. Though women gain a lot through their migrant status, in the due course they stumble as they fail to balance their family lives. Immigrants would be benefited by a formal access to the citizenship. They should be given equal chances of participation in various sectors of the society. They must be permitted to participate in politics,

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Vision Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Vision - Research Paper Example I have wanted my students to share with me what they cannot share with any other person because I do not want them to stay disturbed, which might affect their studies. I have wanted them to share their happiness with me and consider me as someone who cannot only guide them professional but also personally. However, one cannot achieve all that he wants but struggle can make everything possible and this is what I am doing to make my class room an idealistic place for all the students and teachers. Being a teacher is easy but to live teaching is not a child’s play, it requires a lot of patience and tolerance to fulfill the meaning of word teacher, to fulfill the expectations of parents and most importantly to fulfill the expectations of students. Teachers do not have their roles limited to the boundary of classrooms; their duty is far beyond the classrooms. If every teacher understands this concept then it would not be difficult for him or her to acquire the place of â€Å"Best Friend† in the hearts of students. Now the question must arises that why is there a need of being friends of students? This paper will gradually answer this question. Primarily, being friend of students can accomplish the vision of every teacher. Regardless of the desires mentioned in the vision, friendship with the students can achieve any vision the teachers have (Koplow, 2002). I am repetitively focusing on being friends because I have personally experienced this in my life that we are only easily able to share our life with those who understand us the most and in most of the cases, these are our friends. Friends know every aspect of our personality, they know our backgrounds, they are aware of our skills and capabilities, and they always do what makes us happy. I believe that only after acquiring this place in the hearts of students, I can accomplish my vision, which is to develop a culturally responsive classroom. Culturally responsive classroom reflects the idea